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Ayurveda in Everyday Life

Summer tips to Keep Your blood sugar in check for diabetic people

25 May, 2024

Summer is here! While it's a great time to enjoy the outdoors, it can also be challenging for people with diabetes.

Summer can be tough on diabetes management. Heat and humidity can cause blood sugar fluctuations, while dehydration and outdoor activities can add to the challenge. Vacation and travel can disrupt routines, and summer foods can be high in sugar and unhealthy fats. Take extra precautions to stay cool, hydrated, and on top of your diabetes care.

Summer's warmth and sunshine can bring unique challenges for diabetics. High temperatures, humidity, and outdoor activities can affect blood sugar levels, making it crucial to take extra precautions.

Here are 10 summer tips to help you keep your blood sugar in check:

  1. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help regulate your blood sugar levels.
  2. Beat the heat: Avoid outside during the hottest part of the day (11 am-3 pm) to prevent heat exhaustion.
  3. Exercise smart: Adjust your exercise routine to avoid extreme heat and humidity. Try swimming or indoor activities like yoga or cycling.
  4. Summer snacks: Choose healthy, low-sugar snacks like fruits, nuts, and veggies to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
  5. Travel tips: Pack your diabetes essentials, including medication, snacks, and a glucometer, when travelling.
  6. Monitor and adjust: Keep track of your blood sugar levels regularly and adjust your medication or diet as needed.
  7. Summer foods: Limit or avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods like ice cream, BBQ sauce, and processed meats.
  8. Stay cool: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing and seek shade or air conditioning when needed.
  9. Insulin storage: Keep your insulin cool by storing it in a cooler with ice packs when travelling.
  10. Emergency preparedness: Keep a diabetes emergency kit, including glucose tablets, snacks, and a glucometer.


By following these tips, you can enjoy a safe and healthy summer while managing your diabetes. Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. Happy summer!

Managing diabetes during the summer months requires extra attention. Don't let the heat and humidity sabotage your diabetes management - stay cool, stay informed, and take control of your health. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to a successful summer of diabetes management.