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5 Indian Millet Flours to Lower Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Levels

13 Jul, 2024

Millets, the ancient grains, have been a staple in Indian cuisine for centuries. These small-grained cereals are packed with nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, making them an excellent choice for managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. With the rising prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, incorporating millet flours into your diet can be a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 millet flours that can help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and provide you with a healthier alternative to traditional flours.

Here are 5 millet flours that can help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels 

  1. Bajra (Pearl Millet Flour) :High in fiber, pearl millet flour can increase insulin sensitivity and reduce triglyceride levels, making it a great flour for diabetics.
  2. Kangni (Foxtail Millet Flour): Regular consumption of foxtail millet can lower blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in type 2 diabetics.
  3. Jowar Flour (Sorghum Millet Flour): Sorghum millet flour has a low glycemic index, which means it can slowly raise blood sugar levels, making it a great choice for those who want to control their cholesterol and blood sugar.
  4. Jhangora (Barnyard Millet Flour): With low carbohydrate content and a low glycemic index, barnyard millet flour can control blood sugar levels and promote healthy digestion.
  5. Ragi (Finger Millet Flour): Rich in calcium and potassium, finger millet flour is a nutrient-packed flour that can improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Millet flours offer a nutritious and effective way to manage cholesterol and blood sugar levels. By incorporating these flours into your diet, you can not only improve your health but also indulge in delicious and traditional recipes. Remember, a healthy diet is just one step towards a healthier lifestyle. Embrace the goodness of millets and start your journey towards better health today!